# šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ LitElement - First steps - Part IV - Components communication

Previously (read it before šŸ™)

Yesterday, I wrote a post on how we can make the components communicate (Talk to components). A moment after @WestbrookJ (opens new window) send me a message on Twitter https://twitter.com/WestbrookJ/status/1084290962619277312 (opens new window) saying:

"I often rely on document as a master event listener so I can dispatch a bubbling event anywhere and get it heard"

And, he's right. His solution is clever and simpler.

# Update the starting component

So let me, first to update the source code of main-application.js by changing the constructor:

constructor() {
  this.addEventListener('add-buddy', this.onMessage)

I added a listener to the component with the highest level in my web application (the "starting component"). Now, main-application is listening for the add-buddy event.

I will add an onMessage method to the component, but before, let's update the source code of the button component.

# Update the button component

I updated the clickHandler() method of my-amazing-button.js like that

clickHandler() {

    new CustomEvent('add-buddy', {  
      bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: {
        value: `šŸ» Teddy nĀ°${this.counter}`

āš ļø Remark: don't forget to use bubbles and composed

From the Mozilla documentation:

  • bubbles: A Boolean indicating whether the event bubbles up through the DOM or not.
  • composed: A Boolean value indicating whether or not the event can bubble across the boundary between the shadow DOM and the regular DOM.

Now, each time I will click on the button, I will dispatch a custom event with this value: šŸ» Teddy nĀ°${this.counter}. And I want to add this to my buddies' list.

# Update the list component

I removed the previous code of the constructor (see Talk to components) and added a new method addBuddy(buddy) to the list:

constructor() {
  this.buddies = [
    "šŸ¦Š Foxy",
    "šŸ¦ Leo",
    "šŸÆ Tigrou"

addBuddy(buddy) {
  this.buddies = [...this.buddies, buddy]

And now, I just have to add the appropriate method to main-application to call the addBuddy(buddy) method when the add-buddy event is triggered.

# Update the starting component

Then, one last time, I will update main-application.js by adding an onMessage method:

onMessage(message) {
  if(message.type==='add-buddy') {

And, now you can test again:


That's all. Have a nice Sunday šŸ˜ƒ

If you need all the files of the project, it's here https://gitlab.com/bots-garden/training-materials/bootstrapping-a-litelement-project/tree/03-dispatch-events (opens new window).

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